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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Charcoal Poultice and Charcoal Drink as Treatment to Leg Ulcers Essay
The utilization of charcoal as a basic solution for various medical issues is an old method of rewarding numerous basic sicknesses that distress mankind goes back in the hour of Hippocrates who lived from 460 to 370 B. C. In the late 1800, Ellen G, White led the utilization of charcoal in the treatment of various illnesses. She stated, â€Å"The Lord has given some basic herbs of the field that now and again are gainful; and if each family were taught in how to utilize these herbs in the event of infection, much enduring may be forestalled, and no specialist can be called. One of the most helpful cures is pummeled charcoal put in a pack and utilized in fomentations. This is a best remedy†¦I have endorsed this basic cure, with flawless success†¦This brings about the ideal result. †The utilization of charcoal in rewarding sicknesses is a result of long periods of logical examinations. Charcoal is characterized as an undefined, permeable type of carbon made by the damaging refining of practically any carbonaceous material, for example, wood, coconut shells creature bones, and corn cobs. The therapeutic properties of charcoal are given solid lift by the United States (a book that advises how to get ready and use medications). Other than provide guidance for making charcoal, the Dispensatory records a few issues that can be treated with charcoal. Enacted charcoal applies its belongings by retaining a wide assortment of medications and synthetic substances. The significant work of charcoal powder in the treatment of sicknesses is to adsorb concoction substances that are unsafe to the body, similar to germs, infections, poisons, wound emissions, and different results of contaminations. To adsorb intends to take up, hang tight, or spread out on the outside of the atoms. Charcoal works like a magnet. Charcoal poultice is comprised of charcoal powder blended in with enough water to make into a glue. It is extend into a far dry fabric with all the sides collapsed over the charcoal glue and afterward applied over the influenced region of the skin or over the body organ. From thirty minutes to two hours after the use of the charcoal poultice, there is an inclination of tingling around the territory or a bit of pricking torment. That is on the grounds that charcoal sucks what it can retain from inside. The exhortation is to never evacuate the poultice. Keep it on the grounds that your body is reacting emphatically to the treatment. Torment might be felt from three to seven days. The interior utilization of charcoal powder is called charcoal beverage. Charcoal beverage is made of charcoal powder weakened in a glass of drinking water as indicated by measurements for clinical purposes. The charcoal beverage is bland. The flavor of the drinking water when blended in with charcoal powder doesn’t change. There is no distinction in taste between a glass of away from water and a glass of water with charcoal powder. The main distinction is the shading. Treatment is a treatment used to cure a medical issue. It is a procedure or intercession in the structure of investigations a strategy for battling, enhancing, or forestalling a sickness, issue, or injury. Dynamic or remedial treatment is intended to fix; palliative treatment is coordinated to alleviate agony and pain; prophylactic treatment is for the counteraction of an infection or turmoil; causal treatment centers around the reason for a confusion; preservationist treatment keeps away from radical measures and methodology; empiric treatment utilizes techniques demonstrated to be valuable by experience; sound treatment depends on an information on an ailment procedure and the activity of the measures utilized. Treatment might be pharmacologic, utilizing drugs; careful, including usable techniques; or strong, building the patient’s quality. It might be explicit for the turmoil, or suggestive to diminish side effects without influencing a fix. Leg ulcers allude to full thickness skin misfortune on the leg or foot because of any reason. They happen in relationship with a scope of sickness forms, most regularly with blood dissemination maladies. Leg ulcers might be intense or constant. Intense ulcers are some of the time characterized as those that follow the ordinary periods of mending; they are relied upon to give indications of recuperating in under about a month and incorporate horrendous and postoperative injuries. Constant ulcers are those that continue for longer than about a month and are regularly of complex ineffectively got birthplace. There have been countless case reports of people who have profited most quite from outer uses of charcoal. Charcoal has been found to adsorb wound emissions, microscopic organisms, and poisons. It seems to shield the microbes from entering the circulation system. D. Technique HOW TO PREPARE CHARCOAL POWDER MATERIALS NEEDED: 1. Charcoal from hard wood or coconut shell or bones of clean creatures, for example, bovines, carabaos, goats, and so forth. 2. Espresso processor or wooden mortar. 3. Fine espresso sifter. Method: 1. Beat the charcoal by granulating or beating. 2. Strain the charcoal powder through a fine espresso sifter. 3. Sanitize the charcoal powder in a broiler or in a dry secured pot or griddle for 15 to 20 minutes. 4. Give cool and store access a dry, spotless, secured glass container or compartment. Instructions to PREPARE THE CHARCOAL POULTICE MATERIALS NEEDED: 1. Charcoal powder 2. Two bits of slim cotton fabric or diaper 3. Cellophane or plastic sack 4. Cold or warm water 5. Blending bowl 6. Blending spoon and scoop 7. Versatile roller wrap number 4 or a 4-inch-wide fabric 8. Self clasping pins PROCEDURE: 1. Spot the charcoal powder in a blending bowl. 2. Pour in water slowly. 3. Mix it gradually with a spoon or scoop to make a charcoal glue. Blend ought not be excessively dry or excessively wet. 4. Spread a bit of fabric on the table. 5. Spread a ? inch charcoal glue on the focal point of the fabric. Make sure that it’s a couple of inches more extensive than the unhealthy body part which will be applied on. 6. Overlap the four sides of the fabric over the charcoal glue. 7. Flip around the secured charcoal pate and channel the overabundance water by squeezing it with a bit of dry fabric. Instructions to APPLY CHARCOAL POULTICE: 1. Apply poultice over the focal point of the territory to be dealt with. 2. Spread it with a meager cellophane or plastic to keep the warmth and dampness unblemished. 3. Spread with a perfect and dry fabric. The material must be a couple of inches more extensive than the poultice so the warmth can't get away. 4. Tie firmly with a roller wrap or with a portion of material. 5. Leave it expedite or do it three times each day. 6. Dress the patient in the first part of the day. 7. Rehash the treatment until the condition is set leveled out or mended. Recurrence OF APPLICATION: 1. Overnight7:00 p. m. to 5:00 a. m. 2. Multiple times a day7:00 a. m. to 11:00 a. m. 1:00 p. m. to 5:00 p. m. 7:00 p. m. to 5:00 a. m. Step by step instructions to PREPARE THE CHARCOAL DRINK MATERIALS NEEDED: 1. Sanitized charcoal powder 2. Two glasses of cold or warm drinking water 3. Spoon 4. Two taking care of containers (for babies) DOSAGE AND PROCEDURE: 1. Weaken the charcoal powder in cold or warm water as per the measurement. multiple times a day7:00 a. m. 1:00 p. m. 7:00 p. m. 1:00 a. m. †¢Newborn babies a. One teaspoonful of charcoal powder in a glass half-loaded up with drinking water. †¢Children a. Into a glass of half-loaded up with drinking water, weaken one piling tablespoon of charcoal powder. b. Mix the blend altogether. c. Let the charcoal powder settle down in the glass for five minutes before offering it to the kid or emptying it into the taking care of container. †¢Adult and Youth a. In a glass loaded up with water, weaken two piling tablespoonfuls of charcoal powder. 2. Let the patient beverage all the blend at once. Infants and kids might be given charcoal beverage gradually. 3. Let the patient beverage unadulterated water to flush and throat after each drink. 4. Rehash the treatment three times each day or as demonstrated until recuperated. E. REFERENCES: 1. Paypa, Severino S. , M. H. SC. , M. P. H. , 2006, Healing Wonders of Charcoal 2. http://www. time. com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,771082,00. html 3. http://www. emedicinehealth. com/activated_charcoal/page2_em. htm 4. http://www. soyouwanna. com/ways-fix leg-ulcers-4348. html 5. http://en. wikipedia. organization/wiki/Treatment 6. http://clinical word reference. thefreedictionary. com/treatment.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Strange New World of Virtual Reality :: Computers Internet Technology
The Strange New World of Virtual Reality Augmented Reality is a making of an exceptionally intuitive PC based interactive media condition in which the client turns into a member with the PC in a for all intents and purposes genuine world. We are living in a time portrayed by 3D virtual frameworks made by PC designs. In the idea called Virtual Reality (VR), the augmented experience engineer is consolidating PC, video, picture handling, and sensor advances so a human can go into and respond with spaces produced by PC illustrations. In 1969-70, a MIT researcher went to the University of Utah, where he started to work with vector created illustrations. He fabricated a transparent cap that pre-owned TV screens and half-silvered mirrors, with the goal that the earth was noticeable through the TV shows. It was not yet intended to give a general domain. It was not until the mid '80's that computer generated experience frameworks were getting increasingly characterized. The AMES contract began in 1985, thought of the primary glove in February 1986. The glove is made of slim Lycra and is fitted with 15 sensors that screen finger flexion, augmentation, hand position and direction. Associated with a PC through fiber optic links. sensor inputs empower the PC to produce an on screen picture of the hand that follows the administrator's hand developments. The glove additionally has scaled down vibrators in the fingertips to give input to the administrator from got a handle on virtual items. Along these lines, driven by the correct programming, the framework permits the administrator to cooperate by getting and moving a virtual article inside a reenacted room, while encountering the vibe of the item. The computer generated experience line incorporates the Datasuit and the Eyephone. The Dtasuit is an instrumented full-body piece of clothing that empowers full-body communication with a PC built virtual world. In one use, this item is worn by film on-screen characters to give practical development to vivified characters in PC created enhancements. The Eyephone is a head mounted sound system show that shows a PC made virtual world in full shading and 3D. The Eyephone innovation depends on a trial Virtual Interface Environment Workstation (VIEW) structure. VIEW is a head-mounted stereoscopic showcase framework with two 3.9 inch TV screens, one for each eye. The showcase can be a PC produced scene or a genuine situation sent by remote camcorders. Audio cues conveyed to the headset increment the authenticity. It was planned to utilize the glove and programming for such thoughts as a careful recreation, or 3D virtual medical procedure for clinical understudies.
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Neurolinguistic Programming to Treat Social Anxiety
Neurolinguistic Programming to Treat Social Anxiety Social Anxiety Disorder Treatment and Therapy Print Neurolinguistic Programming for Social Anxiety Disorder By Arlin Cuncic Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of Therapy in Focus: What to Expect from CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder and 7 Weeks to Reduce Anxiety. Learn about our editorial policy Arlin Cuncic Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on July 23, 2019 Social Anxiety Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes Treatment Living With In Children Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) was first developed in the 1970s at the University of California, Santa Cruz, by John Grinder (a professor of linguistics) and Richard Bandler (a mathematician). Through their research, Grinder and Bandler wanted to understand what made some therapists better than others. The outcome was that they developed a set of principles and techniques used to create change. NLP is used in various settings, including psychotherapy, medicine, and personal development. However, neurolinguistic programming is generally considered to be an alternative medicine practice and has yet to be included as a mainstream therapeutic approach. It has also not been validated scientifically for the treatment of social anxiety disorder (SAD). However, it may have value as an add-on to other traditional forms of treatment. Its important to realize that NLP is not itself a form of psychotherapy; rather, it is a tool used to guide the therapeutic process. Some neurolinguistic programming principles include the following: All behavior is adaptive, meaning that there is a positive benefit for everything that you doYou have the resources to achieve your goals; it is the job of your therapist to assist youHow you react is more important than what happens to you In general, an NLP therapist will follow these steps with you: Establish rapport with you by mirroring your verbal and non-verbal behaviorGather information about your problem and what you hope to achieveConsider any potential negative impact of achieving these goals on your personal lifeEnsure that new behavior patterns are integrated into your daily life Neurolinguistic Programming Techniques Although NLP is not a form of psychotherapy, there are a number of techniques used by neurolinguistic programming practitioners. Some examples of techniques include anchoring, reframing, dissociation, belief change, and future pacing. Below are brief descriptions of each of these techniques. Anchoring: Learning how to respond differently to a triggering situation (similar to classical conditioning).Reframing: Identifying adaptive behaviors that can replace maladaptive behaviors while still achieving the same goal.Dissociation: Disconnecting from a painful experience from your past.Belief Change: Changing beliefs that hold you back from success.Future Pacing: Integrating goals into your life so that you continue to have achievements after therapy. NLP and Social Anxiety Disorder How would these techniques be applied if you live with social anxiety disorder (SAD)? In the case of belief change, the therapist might ask you to compare your beliefs about two areas of your life. The first area would be something that you have difficulty with (e.g., social situations) and the second area would be one in which you have experienced success (perhaps you have done well academically or financially). Like most neurolinguistic programming techniques, the process would involve visualization; you would be asked to imagine the beliefs that hold you back shrinking into the distance until they are no longer important. Research on NLP Neurolinguistic programming theory and practice have yet to receive scientific support, so research on this approach is still being conducted. To date, its mostly used in coaching/self-help areas. Although NLP may be of some value as part of a treatment plan for SAD, well-established and supported treatments such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and medication are your best options. A Word From Verywell Neurolinguistic programming is still a very new approach and does not have sufficient evidence to support its use in traditional treatment settings. This means that if you approach your doctor about NLP, you arent likely to get very far. Instead, if you wish to try NLP for social anxiety, consider contacting a wellness coach who uses this technique or reading a self-help book on the topic and trying it yourself. Once again, NLP should not be used in place of validated treatments, particularly if you have been diagnosed with a severe mental illness. The 7 Best Online Anxiety Support Groups
Friday, May 22, 2020
Muslims Women’s Rights to Practice Their Religion Essays
There is a huge controversy about the hijab in some countries; France, Turkey and Tunisia are the most recognized countries in banning the hijab. France is not like other countries that allow the hijab; it rejects the whole idea of wearing headscarves. France bans Muslim women who wear the hijab from going to schools or even having jobs. In the Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran, women are forced to wear head scarves. Other countries like Turkey and Tunisia ban whoever female works in the education field from covering her head. The hijab is a symbol of being Muslim, and it should it be left to the Muslim women to wear it or not. French, Turkish, and Tunisian should ask themselves the question, why do we have Muslims here? The†¦show more content†¦That does not mean that Islam makes discrimination between the two genders like the French think. They have to be liberated from these ideas. â€Å"The wearing of the hijab is the equivalent of someone walking with a sandwich board proclaiming that men and women are not equal,†said Sandrine Mazetier, a Paris deputy who handles immigration for the Socialist Party in the National Assembly (Sachs 2). How can important and educated people in France think like this ignorant way? Islamic scholars think it’s enough to wear modest clothes. It’s acceptable to wear headscarves, but not going beyond that and wearing naqib or burqa. France also discriminates against Muslim women who wear the hijab. They do not allow them to enter schools. They put this law of banning the hijab in 2994 law prohibition inside schools (Esposito 265). On the other hand, they permit other religious people to practice their religions. They allow Roman Catholic students wearing a crucifix, Protestant students wearing a cross, Jewish male students wearing a skullcap (Muslim Headscarves 1). This law is not only for schools, but also for jobs. They dismiss these Muslim women from their jobs. This law has impacted their families. Some of these women do not have fathers, brothers, or husbands to help them get money. In this case, they have to work to feed whoever they are responsible for. Where are human rights that France always talks about? Or is it only a phrase that France uses toShow MoreRelatedThe Women s Rights Movement1659 Words  | 7 Pagesand women, the women’s rights movement in Pakistan has just begun. People are starting to protest against discriminations that women face in their daily lives that disable them from having a voice in society. Some of these discriminations involve men being able to divorce their wives without her consent, women’s voices having half the weight of a man’s in court, and female heirs inheriting less money or property than a male heir (â€Å"Sharia†, 9). Groups like the Pakistani Women’s Rights OrganizationRead MoreUniversal Declaration of Human Rights and Muslim Women785 Words  | 3 Pagesinfluence culture has on women’s rights issues. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) raised a variety of questions dealing with the inference of the term â€Å"universal.†It infers that the declaration is meant to represent human rights in all countries, including those that are non-Western with highly complex cultures and societies. By creating this agreement and applying it as universal it has the â€Å"contradictory effect of undermining communities’ autonomous rights to enjoy their own cultureRead MoreThe Religious Views Of Women s Right1019 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction Women’s right is a controversial and sensitive topic in today’s society. Gender inequality has been a great issue for decades and is closely related to the harmony of the society as well as the development of human civilization. Religion, as one of the most significant products of human civilization, is extraordinary influential in guiding people’s beliefs and thoughts. Therefore, different religious views of women’s rights play big roles in building people’s conceptions. Among theRead MoreMiddle Eastern Women Rights in Islamic Society1419 Words  | 6 PagesWomen Rights of the Middle East â€Å"Life is full of unhappiness and most of it caused by women (Harik and Marston 11)†. For women in the Middle East life is faced with great and unequal odds, as their human rights are limited, due to Islamic beliefs and that of patriarchy. From their daily actions at home to their physical appearance, Middle Eastern women are portrayed as quiet, faceless women veiled from head to toe. While this image is just another stereotype, women in the middle do face many obstaclesRead MoreMuslim Women: Treated With Oppression Or Fairness?. When1429 Words  | 6 PagesMuslim Women: Treated With Oppression or Fairness? When I mention Islam, I am discussing its way of life, a concept that encompasses every aspect of one’s life from beginning to end. Islam, the newest and second largest faith, influences many parts of this earth as we discussed in class. Originating in the Arabian Desert, the religion is based on one book, The Holy Quran, the final word of Allah. Prophet Muhammed, in Islam, was the last messenger of God. His life is one that Muslims should followRead MoreDo Muslim Women Need Saving?1484 Words  | 6 PagesDo Muslim Women Need Saving? : A Review By Johanna Loepke With all of its good intentions, people attempting to swoop in and ‘rescue’ Muslim women from what they believe to be an oppressive and violent culture, is actually doing more harm than good. In the novel, Do Muslim Women Need Saving?, Lila Abu-Lughod explores how this type of sympathetic aid from these seemingly superior, progressive, Western countries can reinforce negative stereotypes about women in the place she calls IslamLand (an overarchingRead MoreShould Sharia Law Be Banned?1079 Words  | 5 Pagesword for God and the Sunnah, which is the divinely guided tradition of Islam’s prophet Muhammad.Sharia Law has three components,they are belief,actions, and characters.If Sharia Law were to become our legal system, it would limit women’s roles in society,limit their rights, and would force religious change in America. One change Sharia Law would put on women is Islamic marriage laws. For example, one law states that A man is entitled to have one to four wives, but a woman can only have one husbandRead MoreSeparation Of Church And State1207 Words  | 5 Pagesaccumulation of terrorist attacks and marginalisation of minority groups is only intensifying rising tensions. Although France is a secular nation where constitutionally there is a declared separation of religion and state, Muslims as a minority group experience repression and cannot freely express or practice their religious beliefs. The present dysphoria in France has been influenced by many factors. The history, particularly the Revolution can be held accountable, and the success of the fatigued relationshipRead MoreBrief Summary of Islam848 Words  | 4 Pagesthat Muhammad, a highly respected businessman in Mecca, had received revelations from God in both Mecca and Medina. This religion began to grow when one of the first disciples, a twenty-two year old named Zayd, collected and edited Muhammad’s writings of his revelations and published them in one book, known as the Qur’an. The central beliefs of Islam, and the central acts of Muslim worship, can be summarized in the Five Pillars of Islam: shahada (bearing witness), which usually manifests itself inRead MoreMiddle East Women1551 Words  | 7 Pagesinteresting to look in to. They are not just another person or treated by the same standards like they are treated here in the United States. There is a lot of controversy and fighting for women’s rights throughout the Middle East. They have an extreme lack of power there and they are fighting to change that. It is not right that women are such inferior people over there because they are no different than any other female in this world. Sexism plays a big role in the Middle East and the women are getting
Sunday, May 10, 2020
The Importance of For and Against Essay Samples
The Importance of For and Against Essay Samples After all, a little one enjoys every minute with their family members. A conceived human ought to be permitted to see out their life and just die naturally. Unfortunately, students have so few opportunities which they don't even understand the things that they care about. Parents are only hoping to do their very best to continue to keep their children safe. When you are requested to compose an essay, attempt to discover some samples (models) of similar writing and learn how to observe the craft of the writer. Usually, a structure of essay contains three chief sections, in other words, introduction, body, and conclusion. Once you finish your research notes you can begin writing with confidence that you have all of the pieces you should create a good essay. 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To summarize, the only long-term remedy to the issue of online crime is greater international cooperation. There are problems, once the proper side doesn't appear to exist. Read the very first and last paragraphs of each essay prior to starting. Essays, generally speaking, covers different topics. Despite common belief, there are various sorts of argumentative essays. Persuasive essay is also referred to as the argument essay. On our website, you are going to discover competent essay writers who will aid you with your assignments whatever they may be. Also, you can look for sample expository essay topics so you will be aware of what to research and that which you will deal with. If you're to really gain from model essays, you want to understand how to read the techniques of the writer'. Utilizing real sample college essays that worked will provide you a wonderful idea about what colleges search for. From a pro-life stand also, it's a violation of moral values to willingly participate in sexual pursuits and refuse to bring up the item, a kid. The development and usage of nuclear weapons have come to be a hot subject of debate in late decades. It's also important to comprehend different varieties of discrimination that exist, in addition to their impacts on the people's lives. A great deal of public controversy was sparked on the discourse of affirmative action, which is all about the discrimination o f the immigrants at work. There are lots of facts that show the redundancy of killing people to stop additional crimes. The question is some folks prefer to plan activities for their spare time very carefully. An individual might argue that the immigrants are people after all and that they ought to not be discriminated against even should they come illegally into the nation. A lot of people state you could easily site outsiders of the school, and it would likewise eliminate gang colours. Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for for and Against Essay Samples In case you have any questions or suggestions, you're welcome to speak to our round-the-clock customer service. Customer care is significant to us that is the reason we are always here to assist you whenever you require it. Free information is the very best information. Share what you consider the topic. for and Against Essay Samples - the Story A large part of the animals are employed in the biomedical research for the prot ection of the merchandise. Paranoia, schizophrenia, all types of obsessive-compulsive disorders, Alzheimer, dementia, and a number of other mental dysfunctions are somewhat common within a normal lifespan of 70-80 decades. Studies are done when scientists decide that there's an actual question and place their minds to the test attempting to find out the answer. There's no topic too tough for our experts. The Fundamentals of for and Against Essay Samples Revealed You will most likely say the second. Most students think that it is the lack of desire to complete assignments that causes the using of writing services. Persuasive writing can be hard, especially whenever you're made to face with a close-minded audience. The IELTS examiner is just interested in your usage of language, not in the grade of your ideas. If you've got an assignment deadline coming up and you're worried that you won't be in a position to finish your task, don't hesitate to order a paper. Furthermore, the internet enables a feeling of inclusion which goes past the family sphere. Someone instead made a decision to spread the anti-vaccination message far and wide, regardless of the strong evidence that it's wrong. By denying that each and every man or woman is unique we basically deny our uniqueness too. Another reason is, if heterosexual relationships are thought to be valid, then homosexual relationships shouldn't be condoned because they are equally exactly the same.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Why I Love Malaysia Free Essays
MalaysiaMalaysiaMalaysiait is a name that I always keep in my mind. It’s the place that I start my heartbeat from birth, then I grow stronger and stronger until I am now. Without doubt, I love my own country, Malaysia. We will write a custom essay sample on Why I Love Malaysia or any similar topic only for you Order Now I think Malaysia is an ancient wonder of nature and full of aboriginal culture. I must confess that I love Malaysia because of its breathtaking scenery and the greenness of the rich land . It ¶s about sunny and moist along the year in this country. So, our land is rich of the tropical rainforest especially in the east coast of Malaysia. Just imagine that you take the canopy walk to get a bird ¶s eye view of the world ¶s oldest rainforest, it sures amazed you. Besides, Malaysia is well known for its natural scenic beauty. For instance, you can experience a cave exploration at Niah Cave or mountain climbing at Mount Kinabalu. Surely this is a nice change of pace, away from the hustle and bustle of the city life. Also, Malaysia is a cosmopolitan country but we have three major races, that is Malays, Chinese and Indians. Even though we come from different races, background, language and skin colour, we live as a big family. Instead of argument, we choose to live in a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere. We treat other people brotherly or sisterly and always have great respect for each other. We took every problem to round-table talks. There are also small number of natives people, which included the Kadazan, Bisayah, Iban, Melanau and so on. Indeed, Malaysia is a country of varied cultures and traditions. Here, I met many people from different cultures and we share our faith and trust. For instance, the Malays believe the existence of Allah and their traditional costumes is  µBajuKurung ¶. Besides, some natives also have very unique tradition. For instance, the Kadazan people in the Penampang of Sabah. The traditional costumes for Kadazan people is  µSinuangga ¶ and  µGaung ¶. Surely you can made a breakthrough for your exploration. They also have their own local beliefs. Furthermore, I ¶m always in high spirits to be under a festive atmosphere because we have many festivity in the whole year. During the season of celebration, the whole town is in festive mood and you may witness a great occasion in our country. The Chinese New Year celebrations falls to mark the beginning of the new year. This special events is the single most important festival in the Chinese Calendar and Chinatown celebrates it like nowhere else with a series of Lion Dance and dazzling light-ups. Truly, I love the local delicacies in Malysia. I really enjoy the traditional cuisine of local people. I have been offered different types of flavor of food, such as the taste of sour, sweet, bitter and spicy. I prefer the food of hot spicy, especially the chicken curry soup from Indians cuisine. I was on cloud nine when my tastebud exploded with spicy hot. However strong a man is, he can ¶t fight against fate! I found that the power of nature is out of our imagination and the coming of disasters are all of a sudden. So I feel lucky to be a Malaysian because Malaysia is free of natural disasters like earthquake, volcano, landslide, tsunami and others. I feel safe and secure living in this country. Deep inside, Malaysia is considered as a wonderland in my heart. On top of that, I relish eating local fruits. In my youth, I climbed rambutan and guava tree to pick and eat the fruits right off the trees. My favourite local fruits is durian and Indian mango. Durian is a large tropical fruit and it is a seasonal fruit in our country. The durian are cheap and easily available. Although it gives out an unpleasant smell, I even still crazy of it. Another is Indian mango which has an aromatic smell and its flesh is bright yellow, very juicy and sweet to taste. In a nutshell, I ¶ll always stick up with my country as it is such a beautiful land. Like no other, I will love you forever, MALAYSIA! How to cite Why I Love Malaysia, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Manners In Language Essays - Language Acquisition, Multilingualism
Manners In Language Manners In Language Is there a certain way that we must talk? Yes and no. The way we talk could depend on a situation that we are in or where we are located, at work or home. We should enforce speaking English to everyone that doesn't already speak it. Also because it is a type of manner we all should follow so there is no type of mis communication in our daily lives. We already have many different ways we are supposed to do things. Should we have more? For example, everyone in the United States is supposed to be aware of which fork is used for each course of the meal. I don't know this is so because there are many people I know who don't have a clue there is even a separate fork for salad. This may lower someone's opinion of them, but should it bother them if it does lower their opinions. Hopefully not, because there is not a law that tells anyone how we have talk or eat, but it is just to help us out. Having certain manners helps us fit in and understand everyone else a little better. We need to speak a special language because it's proper and politically correct. Proper and politically correct meaning, this language is appropriate for everyone to listen to. So many people think speaking the same language will make people feel much more comfortable. If everyone spoke English, the language of the United States, will we all understand each other? No, not exactly because there are so many different types of languages in our country today. The correct language that should be used is English. In Mirta Ojito's article ?Language Etiquette. Say What she explains ?The etiquette issue brings up some of Americans' most deeply rooted anxieties about language. The chief one: that someone is saying something about them in a language they do not understand and that is not very nice?(29). Agreeing with Ojito's statement, it is very annoying when you here someone talking a separate language and you don't know what they are saying. This is why we should understand one language, just English. Even in English alone there are many different terms that people do not understand. But in general we still understand the idea. For example, cuttin the rug many of the younger generations may not understand this phrase. Just in case some of us don't know, it means to dance. This is just one example that teenagers may not understand. Teenagers and children also have their own language now. A mother may ask her child what he did tonight. The child's reply just chilled. More than likely the mother knows he wasn't sitting in the cold or anything, but does she really know and understand what he means. Though there is no dictionary for my definition of ?just chilled? it is just the meaning a young adult. He/she could be saying they went to a friend's house and just sat around or they went to a movie. Teens just know what just chilled means. There really isn't a Webster definition for that phrase along with many others. It is the ir special language. There are a lot of different cultures in the United States. So should everyone else accommodate to everyone needs? Just to make it easier to communicate for everyone. From the article Ojito states ? In New York, where nearly 3 million people claimed in the 1990 Census a native language that was not English?(Ojito29). This proves not everyone speaks the same language. Many people in the United States speaking a language other than English, should suggest to us that we need to enforce a specific language. But why should everyone in the United States, that speaks English learn another language. The people speaking any other language should learn our native language, English. With the exceptions, anyone speaking another language should be given the opportunity to speak their native language. They may speak it during their own conversations . In Brooklyn two co-workers were talking outside across the street and were fired for speaking their native language(Ojito29). Should the employer have gone to that extent? We don't have all the details, but if
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