Friday, October 25, 2019

A clear explaining how the production process and quality :: Business and Management Studies: Management

A clear explaining how the production process and quality assurance/control system employed by the business helps it add value to its product or service. Quality control can be defined as the means of inspecting or testing quality at various points in the production process or delivery of service. It is usually applied during or after production. It can also be described as the process of monitoring specific project results to determine if they comply with relevant standards and identifying ways to eliminate causes of unsatisfactory performance. Quality assurance can be described as making quality the responsibility of everyone at all stages of production of the goods and services. It can also be defined as a system that comprises of all those planned and systematic actions necessary to provide confidence that a structure, system or component will perform satisfactorily its services. All of this can add enormously to the amount or value of a product. A lot of products go through a series of production process. Since every industry knows how much profit could be made in the production process, they try to increase the amount of quality control. They are a lot of production processes used in Sainsbury’s to help add value to a product or service. One of the main objectives of Sainsbury’s apart from making profit is to satisfy customers, which is converting inputs to outputs. Value added happens when raw materials are gathered in order to make a finished product in which a business can use to sell. For example Sainsbury’s different food stuffs in order for them to sell in their store. Value adding is finished product, which has been assembled by a producer to make a product that is good enough to sell. Quality control is where a companies manufacturing process is checked every milestone in order to find anything wrong with the product which will not make its sellable to customers. Where quality control is applied may cause waste, this is because the business would want to throw it away. Through inspection of product it helps to see whether products are being made of satisfactory standard to be sold and whether the producers of the product are making it properly and to know whether or not it is man made or machine made. Quality assurance happens when a product is made and it is suitable to be sold at the quality of a customers assurance, for example if the expectations of a product is not reached, limited to the actual product it self then the quality assurance of the product is not suitable to be sold. When a product is being produced it is vital that there are no

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